Choosing the Right Toilet for Your Tiny Home

When it comes to designing a tiny home, every room is as important as the next, but let’s chat bathrooms! A major element and consideration for this room is obviously the toilet. With a variety of offerings depending on both your site and just how hands on you want to be, in this blog we'll explore some of the most popular tiny home options and what makes them a good fit for small spaces.

Composting Toilets

Composting toilets are a popular option for tiny homes, as they don't require a water hookup or septic system. Instead, they use natural processes to break down waste and turn it into compost. The result is a nutrient-rich material that can be used in landscaping or gardening after as little as 6 months. They are environmentally friendly, as they don't require any water or chemicals to function, just a dedicated compost bin in your garden space for nature to work its magic.

One of the biggest advantages of composting toilets is that they don't require a lot of space. They can be installed in a small bathroom or even in a closet! Another benefit of composting toilets is that they are relatively easy to maintain. Depending on the model you choose, either a bag system or one with more of a long drop/chamber nature, emptying your system can be anything from weekly to quarterly. They are a simple and straight forward process which despite the stigma attached to them, are relatively low in odour with the key being keeping up the dry matter.

Incinerating Toilets

Incinerating toilets are another option for tiny homes. These toilets use heat to burn waste and turn it into ash. Like composting toilets, they don't require a water hookup or septic system, making them a great option for off-grid living. They are also easy to maintain, as the ash can be disposed of in the rubbish or used in the garden.

One of the main benefits of incinerating toilets is that they require minimal interaction with the waste product. Additionally they don't produce any odours or require any chemicals to function.

Flush Toilets

Flush toilets are the most traditional toileting option, and while a little more challenging logistically they can still be a good fit for tiny homes. They do require a water hookup and a septic system, which can be challenging in some off-grid settings, but where there’s a will there’s a way and you can investigate above ground holding tanks with no overflow from our friends at Allflow. In most cases these do not even require council consent!

One advantage of flush toilets is that they are familiar to most people removing the learning curve for users.

Chemical Toilets

At some point in our camping lives we have all come across a blue chemical toilet, a cross between composting and flushing. This for some is the best of both worlds however you are dealing with chemicals as the name implies. For some this is a no go and on top of that you do have to empty your chamber at a local drop station, which may or may not be convenient. The benefit of this one over the composting toilet is the flush function offering users that slice of normality plus with the chamber divider, out of sight out of mind.

Choosing the Right Toilet for Your Tiny Home

When choosing a toilet for your tiny home, there are several factors to consider. One, your site and what services and space you have to hand. In a particularly urban setting, composting and its waste product may not be a good fit, whereas a site with an orchard would hugely benefit from it. The second consideration is your personal preference and your environmental values. Just how involved do you want to be?

Happy toilet choosing.


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